About Us

Since Est. 2015


Shri Balnath Farmer Producers company limited (SBFPCL) is a state level conglomerate of farmer Producer company (FPC). Established in 14 th December 2015 at Mumbai Registrar of Companies of Maharashtra State of India. It was registered under [ Parsuant to sub-section (2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 8 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 ] .


Shri Balnath Farmer Producers Company Limited (SBFCL ) was incorporated on 14 th December 2015 at Mumbai Registrar of Companies of Maharashtra State of India. It was registered under [ Parsuant to sub-section (2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 8 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 ] . This organization was jointly promoted by Government Organization like MAHA-FPC, MoA & Cooperartion.


SBFCL currently has 102 member & share holder FPCs + 47 cooperatives as a business members working in over 43 districts of Madhya Pradesh. SBFCL  is covering more than 2.24 Lakh small and marginal farmers through networks of member FPOs & Dealers 


Transforming agriculture of  small & marginal farmers of Madhya Pradesh by 2025 from means of subsistence to profitable livelihood enterprises through promotion of collectivization, branding and better positioning in the supply/value chain”


To create an umbrella support to member FPOs particularly on market, financial linkages, brand development, value adding, agri extension, insurance and leverage & transfer the benefits of the economy of scale